Monday, August 4, 2008

Blogger In Draft

Question : What Is Blogger In Draft
Answer : It is where Google tries out new features before making them available in full blown blogger

Question : How do you get to or Use Blogger In Draft
Answer : Just choose blogger in draft and do your blogging in that environment

Question : Will my blog get messed up
Answer : I would guess that the chances are good everything will work fine

I thought I would touch on some of the stuff available in Blogger In Draft. As a rule most of these will be available at a later date.

1. Have your comments box automatically embedded at the end of the post instead of as a pop up.

2. Put those fancy little stars ( Star Rating ) so other bloggers can rate your post

3. Slightly Cleaner Looking Dash Board

4. Ability to Make Blogger In Draft Your default environment

5. Better editing of gadget preferences

6. Import / export of blogs.
Now one of the most important features this allows is for you to set up a different blog and import your old blog posts into the new blog . I have not played with it but seems a great idea

Also back up your blog posts to your computer which is also handy if you screw up or Google screws up your blog

7. New post editor I have not played with this yet but could be great for getting photos to be where and size you want them to be and allow you better handling of text round photos

That is just a brief round up
